India's IT industry, ID theft and you!
See Fortress India
Strict bag checks, the signing of confidentiality agreements, and shredding of conversation transcripts are only daily fare for the people who work for one of the four call centers run by ICICIn OneSource, based in Bangalore. The company employs 4,000 young Indians to process credit-card bills and make telemarketing calls for big U.S. and European banks, insurers, and retailers.
In another part of India, Mumbai-based Patni Computing Systems has declared that it rigidly observes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA), both major laws which highlight the importance of confidentiality of customer records.
See HIPAA And SOA Adhered To In Faraway India
Patni generally follows the security and privacy guidelines set by the ISO 17799 and BS 7799, international and British security standards, respectively.
In general, the IT industry in Bangalore has a need to focus on IT outsourcing security. Whether or not it will be possible for the companies involved to PROVE that they have implemented the necessary security...remains to be confirmed.